Wanda Vision Episode 6 Recap: The Street Nightmare of Vision

Wanda Vision Episode 6 Recap: The Street Nightmare of Vision

The sixth episode of Wanda Vision featured a lot of tricks and some candy in the form of Easter eggs. But more than that, this episode highlights how dangerous the surreality of the sitcom has become due to Wanda's grief. What may be a bright, happy dream for Wanda is a living nightmare for everyone at Westview.

Below, the customary spoiler alert: Please note that we analyze everything that happened in Wanda Vision Episode 6.

Titled "All-New Halloween Spooktacular.", WandaVision episode 6 took its tone and visual cues from Malcolm in the Middle; the great comedies of the 90s like "Friends" and "Seinfeld Next Door because they focused on single adults, as in "The Bachelor.

There's also a bit of a blur between the eras, as the "cool" Uncle Pietro seems to be a nod to Uncle Jesse from the 90s' "Full House" (the show that made Elizabeth Olsen's sisters stars).

The episode opens on Halloween day, with twins Tommy and Billy speaking directly to the camera as in "Malcolm in the Middle." Their parents come downstairs in costumes that reference the looks of the comic book Scarlet Witch and Vision (Wanda claims to be dressed as a Sokovian fortune teller). Meanwhile, Uncle Pietro wakes up from snoring on the couch, angers the kids, teases his sister, and generally acts like a boy.

Wanda is looking forward to the twins' first Halloween, but Vision ruins her plans by insisting on doing vigilante patrols. 'It's not supposed to be .......' She begins to say.

"What?" I'm sorry," replies Vision, and it's clear that he hasn't forgotten the standoff in episode 5. This patrol mission is totally a front for something. Paul Bettany's smiling face is truly wonderful.

Pietro takes the place of Vision's father and uses his super speed to dress himself and Tommy in costumes similar to Quicksilver's in the comics. When they go out on the town, Westview is suddenly overrun with children. Where did they all come from? Pietro and the twins cause a bit of a ruckus by stealing candy, breaking jack-o-lanterns, and blowing silly strings at everyone.

Wanda is still uneasy about her new-fangled brother, and they even taunt each other about their disappearing accents. Now, what about Pietro?" I'm just trying to do my part, Pietro tells her. Suddenly he comes to town, creates tension with your brother-in-law, causes trouble with the "carpet rats," and ultimately makes you sad. I mean, isn't that what you wanted?"

And Westview is not the place for Wanda to get what she wants.

After leaving the house, Vision begins to walk around the edges of Westview, where she notices something very strange: "It's not just the house. In fact, it is eerie. People far from Wanda are either moving in slow motion or completely frozen. One woman is in tears and repeatedly trying to hang Halloween decorations.

Vision finds Agnes in her car sitting in a daze at an intersection, mumbling that she got lost on her way to a Scare party in Town Square. He pats her on the head, as he did to Norm. When Agnes wakes up, she knows who the visionary is, the Avenger. He can save her.

But Vision is confused." What are the Avengers?"

And he's stumped.

And Agnes wonders if she is dead. Because Vision is dead.

"I'm confused.

Vision asks for help outside Westview." How?" Agnes asks. "No one leaves. Wanda won't let them think that."

She starts cackling uncontrollably and Vision forces her back into sitcom sleep.

Despite Agnes' words, Vision decides to go. He approaches the perimeter as Secretary Tyler Hayward and S.W.O.R.D. agents watch from the other side.

But as he emerges from the hex, his visions begin to fall apart. After all, in the outside world he is dead. And for a moment, he appears to die again.

Back at the Town Square Scare, a worried Billy runs up to Wanda. His telepathic abilities are beginning to come online, and he can hear that his father is in trouble.

"Don't worry, sis," Pietro jokes to his sister.

"Don't worry, sis," Pietro jokes to his sister.

Furious, Wanda blows him off and asks Billy to use his powers to find the visions. He reports seeing a soldier, and Wanda learns he is near the S.W.O.R.D. tent.

She puts Westview on "pause" and calls upon her powers to extend the hex bubble. The perimeter begins to move, swallowing all those who have failed to escape.

The vision is safe. The tent turns into a carnival. And Darcy sighs.

Back to why Darcy was eaten by Hex and not Monica Rambo or Jimmy Woo.

When Director Hayward objects to Monica sending in the missile drones, he kicks the trio out of camp. She thinks she can still get through to Wanda, while he considers her a threat to disarm Wanda.

Of course, she doesn't take their dismissal seriously, so Monica, Jimmy, and Darcy sneak into the tent to regroup and access the files (Darcy is apparently a hacker in addition to being a physicist). Monica contacts an unknown person as a "way back to Hex."

But Darcy warns her that entering and exiting Hex changes Monica's cells, and entering again could change them further. Perhaps for the third time, thus Monica gains superpowers.

While Monica and Jimmy head off to meet her contact, Darcy stays behind to hack Hayward's last firewall and obtains a file called Cataract. She manages to send it to Jimmy before seeing what is happening at the border with Vision. However, when Darcy tries to ask Hayward for help, she is handcuffed. As Wanda magnifies the hex, a helpless Darcy is sucked into it.

Perhaps Wanda Vision gives the audience a little wink and turns Darcy into a diner waitress like Kat Dennings in Two Broke Girls. After all, we are heading into the 2010s.

The episode ends with Hayward fleeing the expanding hex in an attempt to radio the other survivors. Meanwhile, Monica and Jimmy escape in their own car and are on their way to meet her mysterious contact.

Who could it be? Captain Marvel may be back to save the day in this predicament. She has been named twice in this program. Then again, it could be someone with a stronger connection to Wanda. At this point, the entire MCU is wide open.

