Cure Car Insurance Super Bowl Commercial just raised the bar for Tone Deaf advertising

Cure Car Insurance Super Bowl Commercial just raised the bar for Tone Deaf advertising

Cure Auto Insurance's Super Bowl commercial is by far the worst Super Bowl ad of 2021. This commercial would be an instant contempt target, even for those who have never heard of the company.

The premise is simple and silly. A woman (who doesn't even have a name) brings a moron named Tommy into her boss's office and explains that Tommy brought her into his office to "speak her mind."

You may not get the terrible joke, but Tommy then says "she was into it" and brags that he has "a pretty big opinion."

His boss, Mr. Davis, tells Tommy that no one in the office "wants" his opinion. Tommy then repeats the joke again, recalling the happy hour incident when Ms. Davis "begged" him for his opinion.

It is a very tasteless joke and seems designed only to incite anger (mission accomplished).

Twitter user Brian McGuinness nailed it, criticizing Cure Auto Insurance for trying to make the #MeToo era a joke.

@vard_the_viking was understandably angry that his parents sat through that ad while he was in the room.

Proving how awful the ad was was Twitter user @katologic, who was angry even though she was enjoying her favorite cheese.
