This fake Cyberpunk 2077 Download is really Ransomware: What to Do

This fake Cyberpunk 2077 Download is really Ransomware: What to Do

A new problem with the release of the video game Cyberpunk 2077: ransomware posing as the Cyberpunk 2077 app is infecting Windows and Android devices.

This Android variant, discovered by Tatyana Shishkova of Kaspersky Lab, poses as an Android version of the best-selling but glitchy game. Of course, no such thing exists. Cyberpunk 2077 is only available for Windows, PlayStation, Xbox, and Stadia.

But when you install the app, a message pops up saying that your files are locked and everything will be deleted unless you pay $500 in bitcoin within 24 hours. According to Shishkova, the app is hard-coded with encryption Shishkova says the app is hardcoded with encryption, so it may be possible to unlock files without paying the ransom.

According to Shishkova, the fake app was found on cyberpunk2077mobile[dot]com, "a fake site that mimics the Google Play store. That link no longer works, but the fake Play Store could easily reappear under a different URL.

As Bleeping Computer notes, the fake Android app is a variant of the Windows ransomware that appeared late last month under the guise of Cyberpunk 2077.

The Windows ransomware ransom note asks for $1,000 in bitcoin within 10 hours before deleting files, but is otherwise nearly identical to the Android one, with the same bitcoin address.

However, the Windows version's notes included WhatsApp contact information for the Philippines. There also did not appear to be a hard-coded decryption key.

Fortunately, in both cases it is very easy to avoid infection. Avoid installing Android apps from anything other than the official Play Store (again, not a sure thing); avoid websites that impersonate Google Play; and avoid any websites that are not Google Play.

For Windows, do not trust digital downloads of Cyberpunk 2077 except from traditional game retailers: Microsoft, Steam, GOG, Stadia, etc.

Also, be sure to load and run either the best antivirus software for PC or the best antivirus app for Android, whether on Android or Windows. Those will detect and destroy this Cyberpunk-related ransomware.
