Apple Watch7: Read this before pre-ordering

Apple Watch7: Read this before pre-ordering

Pre-orders for the Apple Watch 7 began Friday, October 8. As it does with most new devices, Apple is making its next-generation smartwatch available for purchase before the official launch date of October 15.

If you've decided to own Apple's latest wearable product, our guide on how to pre-order the Apple Watch 7 covers the basics-when to flock to Apple's website, what Apple Watch 7 colors and Apple Watch 7 size you have to choose from, and more.

That doesn't mean we recommend buying a new smartwatch outright. In fact, it may be better to wait, even if you feel the pressure surrounding supply chain shortages and limited availability.

First, you probably won't have access to enough (if any) anecdotal Apple Watch 7 reviews before this Friday; at Tom's Guide, we've been working hard to provide our readers with informed We strive to provide shopping advice. We create lists of pros and cons and evaluate specific devices in relation to comparable alternatives.

If you are someone who likes to read (or in the case of our YouTube channel and TikTok account, watch) reviews like this one, we recommend that you refrain from pre-ordering the Apple Watch 7. Even if you have the slightest concerns about the quality, features, or everyday performance of the smartwatch, the opinions of early users should put your mind at ease. After all, the last thing you want to avoid with a device you use every day is buyer's remorse.

That is not to say that we doubt that there are problems with the Apple Watch 7. On the contrary, I am convinced that the delay in the launch has more to do with getting the smartwatch's curvy casing and large display just right, if not perfect. Still, it might be wise to wait to hear how the design changes turned out in the end.

Whether or not the promised changes materialize may also affect whether you should buy the Apple Watch 7 to replace your current Apple Watch. If you have an older model, it's probably time to upgrade, but if you have a Series 4 or later model, you can wait for reviews to find out if the Apple Watch 7 is the best Apple Watch for you.

If you've already decided to buy the Apple Watch 7, I won't stand in your way. Rather, here are my tips on how to trade in your Apple Watch.

Also, remember to set your alarm a few minutes before 8 a.m. ET/5 a.m. PT on October 8, as the launch of the Apple Watch 7 will frustrate some shoppers, especially as the Black Friday sales season approaches. I think. Not being able to get what you want when you want it is naturally anxiety inducing. If you think so, take the plunge and make a reservation.

But if you can use a little patience, you may be able to get the Apple Watch 7 for less with Apple Watch Black Friday deals, as well as Apple Watch 7 vs. Apple Watch SE and Apple Watch 7 vs. Apple Watch 6, and you might be able to get a more in-depth comparison on other first-hand insights on whether it's the best smartwatch for you.
