Olive Union rethinks Hearing Aids with Olive Pro

Olive Union rethinks Hearing Aids with Olive Pro

Hearing aids cost anywhere from $1,000 to more than $6,000, and many people cannot afford them. In addition, there is a stigma attached to hearing aids, and new problems are piling up. As a result, only one in five of the approximately 466 million people worldwide who suffer from hearing loss receive treatment. To remedy this situation, Olive Union engineer Owen Song developed Olive Smart Ears, wireless earbuds that make hearing easier. Now, Olive Union has taken the next step and developed Olive Pro, a hearing aid registered with the FDA.

If you want to be among the first to get your hands on the Olive Pro smart hearing aid, Olive Union's Indiegogo has already started, with less than two weeks to go. With discounts of up to 48% off the MSRP, you can be the first to get your hands on this great new device; the Olive Pro is expected to begin shipping in March 2021.

Founded by Owen Song, Olive Union made a splash with the Olive Smart Ear, which won the 2020 CES Innovation Award for Best Wearable. After watching his uncle struggle with and give up on expensive traditional hearing aids, Song became personally invested in finding a solution to a problem many adults with hearing loss face. Traditional hearing aids are incredibly expensive, require constant battery replacement, and are easily damaged or lost. These barriers prevent people like Son's uncle from purchasing hearing aids or continuing to use them.

As a technician, Song did not want to have to go through this. Determined, Song disassembled his uncle's hearing aids and found that the technology contained within was not worth the exorbitant price. After extensive research, Sung found that the average hearing aid costs about $100 to produce.

On the other hand, countless people wear fashionable and sophisticated earphones like Apple's AirPods every day. Even the top-of-the-line AirPods Pro cost a fraction of the price of traditional hearing aids!

Olive Smart Ears, while a remarkable product, is not a hearing aid, but a personal sound amplification product. It has helped many people improve their hearing, but in order to make a true hearing aid, the product needed to be FDA-approved. This is where Olive Pro began.

The Olive Pro is not only a sleek and stylish wireless earpiece, it is also an FDA-registered hearing aid, and at a suggested retail price of $299, it is less than one-third the price of the least expensive hearing aid on the market. But Olive Pro does more than simply save money or look fashionable. Olive Pro hearing aids outperform traditional hearing aids.

The Olive Pro smart hearing aid covers a wide range of frequencies from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz with a maximum sound pressure of 120 dB. Beyond that range, it also employs state-of-the-art machine-learning speech recognition and noise cancellation. Even for those with non-traditional hearing loss, the Smart Hearing Aid Olive Pro can eliminate ambient noise and make it easier to hear.

Smart Hearing Aids Olive Pro are also easy on your wallet and the environment because they do not require small batteries. Like most modern wireless earbuds, Olive Pro is rechargeable. It supports both fast and wireless recharging, with a single charge lasting 7 hours and an additional 14 hours with the use of a case. It is also comfortable and waterproof.

One of the best features of the Olive Pro hearing aid is its ease of use. With apps for both Android and iOS, setting up a new smart hearing aid takes only five minutes. Recalibration is equally quick and easy. Manual adjustments can be made using the app to fine-tune your hearing.
