Xbox Series X is hosting a major exclusive event to fight the ps5

Xbox Series X is hosting a major exclusive event to fight the ps5

Microsoft will be spacing its Xbox Series X announcements over the next few months so as not to have to cram them all into one event like E3. This ongoing showcase, called "Xbox 20/20," will showcase all of Microsoft's upcoming first-party titles, including "Halo Infinite" in July.

This information was posted by Jerret West, Microsoft's CVP of Game Marketing, on the official Xbox Wire blog. He explained that so far, 2020 has thrown a lot of curveballs at the gaming industry and Microsoft needed to adopt a novel approach to get the news cycle back on track. The solution is Xbox 20/20, where Microsoft will host a monthly live stream. The live streams will be held monthly by Microsoft, each time focusing on a different aspect of Xbox technology.

"These monthly moments are a way for us to engage, connect, and celebrate with you about what's in store for the next generation of gaming, including what's next for Xbox Series X, Xbox Game Studios, Xbox Game Pass, and Project xCloud. Each month we'll bring you something different." For more information, visit Xbox Wire."

We already know about the first Xbox 20/20 update on May 7, which will showcase third-party Xbox Series X titles. Assassin's Creed Valhalla will headline the event, but Microsoft will also have other third-party titles will also be on display, the company promises. The above teaser for the May 7 event also shows the startup screen and sound of the new Xbox Series X, which sounds much more subdued than that of the Xbox One.

While it is unclear what June's Xbox 20/20 will entail, West gave details about July's event: "[July] will be dedicated to focusing on the great games coming out of Xbox Game Studios." July will be a time to focus on the great games coming out of Xbox Game Studios." He writes." Many of our studio team are looking forward to sharing first looks at new gameplay, insights from our development team that are being optimized for the Xbox Series X, and announcements of brand new games."

In other words, if you're wondering when we'll see Microsoft's first-party titles, it will be in July; West did not reveal the exact list, but in his post Halo Infinite, Wasteland 3, Minecraft Dungeons, and Microsoft Flight Simulator, which would be good candidates. This would also be a good opportunity for Microsoft's first-party studios to announce new projects. With 15 studios in total, we could hear about as many as 15 new games.

Xbox 20/20 won't be hard to find either; you can watch it on Mixer, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, and the official Xbox channel on YouTube. (YouTube is the only platform where Xbox 20/20 will be streamed in 4K.) The first episode will air on May 7 at 11 a.m. ET, so mark your calendars if you want to learn more about "Assassin's Creed" and other third-party titles.
