The iPad Pro2020 keyboard can use this game-changing technology

The iPad Pro2020 keyboard can use this game-changing technology

Currently, there are two ways to have a keyboard on an iPad Pro. One is to attach the keyboard to a "smart connector" that sends input to the connected tablet and receives the power it needs to operate, and the other is to use a separate battery-powered keyboard that connects via Bluetooth or cable. However, Apple came up with another method.

A patent found by AppleInsider, granted to Apple by the USPTO on March 5, details a new design for an iPad keyboard that clamps onto the tablet's touchscreen and transmits data via a "remote capacitive interface"

It states.

The keyboard attaches to the iPad via a sliding mechanism that prevents excessive force from being used. When a key is pressed, each of the two contact points is activated and the display is pressed in a way that the iPad recognizes as a specific input. Because the tablet itself performs the process, the keyboard operates without an internal power supply, which is expected to lower manufacturing costs and retail prices.

Since the iPad supports multiple touches at once, it seems reasonable that this method could recognize multiple key presses at once. It means that the shift, control, and caps lock keys can be used in the expected manner, a basic feature that is essential for a keyboard, even a new kind of keyboard such as this. The contact points mean that you may not be able to use your fingers or a stylus to press keys and control the screen at the same time, but hopefully this will not interfere with normal use.

Nevertheless, a patent is a patent. Even if Apple decides to sell this design as is (which they may not), it may be several years before the finished product is available for purchase, as the keyboard needs to be tested and improved first. But in any case, this is a sensible idea.

The actual use of this patent would result in a keyboard that would be compatible with multiple tablets and inexpensive to produce due to its simple internal design. While some users may still prefer the multifunctional design of Apple's current Smart Keyboard cover, which also protects the display when not in use, it is good for consumers to have more product choices.
