Google Chromebook Could Soon Become an Amazing Gaming Laptop — Here's How

Google Chromebook Could Soon Become an Amazing Gaming Laptop — Here's How

A new "game mode" may be added to Chromebooks. This will make Google-powered laptops more useful for gaming.

According to Chrome Unboxed, a new entry on Chromium Gerrit suggests a possible game mode toggle for Borealis, the upcoming Ubuntu-based Linux container. Specifically, it appears that the game mode is designed to be automatically enabled when a game is opened or closed.

This entry explains that game mode "implements logic to track window state and toggle game mode when a Borealis window is focused and enters or exits full screen." This naturally implies autonomy, and presumably the user would not have the option to manually turn it on and off.

Game modes typically include features that improve performance and limit distractions. It would be best to do the same for Chrome OS, especially since Chromebooks do not have the reputation of being the most powerful devices.

Unfortunately, Chromium Gerrit does not reveal the actual details. The only thing we can tell you is that when entering and exiting game mode, you will see the same clear message as when you are currently using Google Stadia. Access to other useful tools during a game session, such as messaging and screen recording, would also likely be included.

Steam support for Chromebooks has been rumored since last year. Borealis comes pre-installed with Steam and Valve's Proton, a compatibility layer that allows games made for Windows machines to run on Linux steam. Borealis is a compatibility layer that allows games made for Windows machines to run on Linux steam.

Steam support has not yet reached Chromebooks, but the discovery of a game mode toggle suggests it is not far off. Presumably, unless Google is planning some sort of simultaneous launch, game mode will come first; without an actual announcement from Google itself or Valve, the developer of Steam, it's hard to say.

But now, nearly a year after the first rumors popped up and with no end in sight, we will just have to wait patiently. And if you want to play games on your Chromebook, you'll have to invest in a Stadia.
