There are many ways to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but the plank is perhaps one of the more obvious exercises associated with building a stronger torso. Standard planks can get a little boring, and I'm not a fan of the planks, but I'm not a fan of the plank. So I have tried many of the best plank variations in my workouts over the years, but lately I have enjoyed testing my abdominal muscles with the rolling side plank. The rolling plank activates not only the rectus abdominis (the six-pack muscle), but also the deep stabilizers that contribute to core strength and posture. Like standard planks, rolling side planks require no equipment or space, so I set myself the challenge of doing them for one minute every day for a week. For exercises done on the floor, I like to lay out a mat for extra cushioning. If you don't already have a mat, check out our guide to the best yoga mats.
I did not focus on the goal of how many rolling side planks I could do in the allotted time, but rather on maintaining solid form throughout. I knew that by doing so, I would feel the exercise deep into my core. If you want to know if the rolling side plank was really felt deep in the torso and how to do rolling side planks, please continue reading.
While practicing the rolling side plank, there were a few small tips that helped me master proper form. One is to use your core to prevent swaying and twisting. Second, maintain a steady pace and keep breathing throughout the exercise.
I did a one-week rolling side plank to see if it did anything for my core. So, I set a timer for one minute each day for a week and completed as many rolling side planks as I could with correct form within the allotted time. By no means am I saying that conventional planks are easy. If you think so, try keeping your hips down and holding the plank for the duration of the Oppenheimer. I will admit, however, that the standard plank can get a little boring. I once tried a two-minute plank at the end of every gym session, but I quickly grew bored with this challenge. [Unlike static exercises like traditional planks, rolling planks involve dynamic movement. That is, not only do you have to use your core muscles to maintain stability, but you also need a range of motion in your muscles as you roll from side to side. This dynamic element increases challenge and activates different parts of the core.
The traditional side plank is known to primarily target the outer (side) muscles of the trunk. The rolling plank is a side-to-side movement that further emphasizes the oblique abdominal muscles. I could really feel this as the rolling side plank weeks progressed. You know that aching feeling you get the day after working out your abdominal muscles when you laugh at something? I could really feel this in my obliques.
Now, if you are looking to add definition to your abs and you think this movement is to make your obliques more noticeable, remember that you need to do rolling side planks for more than a week to make your abs more noticeable. It takes more than just a week of side planks to create a nip in the abdominal muscles.
I had to make sure that my elbows and forearms were really well grounded and that my torso was working the most in order to maintain balance throughout the rolling side plank movement. But I told myself that the sensation was temporary and that the stronger I got, the less I would sway during the exercise.
As you will notice when you do a set of side rolling planks, your body's center of gravity shifts as you roll from one side to the other. This displacement causes an imbalance that requires muscles, especially the core muscles, to adjust and stabilize. The muscles of the trunk, including the abdominals, obliques, and stabilizers, play an important role in maintaining balance during the rolling motion.
Because of the need to control the rolling motion, not only the trunk muscles but also the shoulder, arm, and lower body muscles are activated, contributing to overall muscle coordination. During the rolling side plank exercise, I felt the different parts of my body working together, and it seemed to kill more than two birds with one stone.
Practicing rolling side planks daily for a week was a fun and demanding challenge that required much more coordination and stability than regular plank exercises.
I would recommend this movement if you want an exercise that targets your core muscles and places particular emphasis on your obliques. If you find it difficult to maintain the full movement of the rolling side plank for extended periods of time, the exercise can be modified to suit your fitness level.
Beginners should start with the basic side plank and progress to rolling variations as they gain strength and stability. Now let's give it a try.