Nvidia GeForce RTX30 series graphics cards are coming — Waiting — GameStop

Nvidia GeForce RTX30 series graphics cards are coming — Waiting — GameStop

Inventory shortages of the Nvidia GeForce RTX 30 series continue, but at least one major retailer has joined the list of possible stockists.

GameStop has opened a new PC hardware section that includes Nvidia's latest graphics cards. So if you are looking for a place to buy the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 or other RTX 30 series cards, GameStop may be worth checking out.

However, GameStop currently has nothing but familiar sights.

The prices listed are all quite high, with the GeForce RTX 3080 variant near or exceeding $1,000 and the Founders Edition MSRP at $729. While it is good to see more retailers picking up the RTX 30 series, even GameStop seems to have limited quantities available for sale.

Still, this is an important move for GameStop, which has traditionally focused on console gaming and trade-ins; in addition to GPUs, motherboards, PSUs, and PC cases will also be available, suggesting that the company is serious about entering the often-overlooked PC gaming space. The company plans to sell motherboards, PSUs, and PC cases in addition to the GPUs.

GameStop CEO George Sherman stated during the earnings call (transcribed by Seeking Alpha): "We continue to work to expand our addressable market by growing GameStop's product catalog. "We continue to work on expanding our addressable market by growing the GameStop product catalog. This includes expanding our broad product offering to include PC games, computers, monitors, gaming tables, mobile games, and gaming TVs.

"These categories are natural expansions that our customers expect to purchase from us, increasing our addressable market size by more than five times and, over time, reducing our reliance on the cyclicality of the console-based gaming market.

We hope that Nvidia will resolve its supply issues and increase the likelihood that consumers will actually be able to purchase RTX 30 series graphics cards.

That said, seeing as how difficult it is to find places to buy the AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT, parts shortages are not a problem unique to Nvidia; it will be interesting to see how the Intel Xe HPG gaming GPU performs and when it too debuts later this year. It will be interesting to see if it will be in short supply.
